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what is
mental performance coaching?

The art & science of helping student-athletes
enhance their mental, physical, and emotional skills to optimize their performance in sports and academics. It includes goal setting, time management, stress management, confidence building, and skill development tailored to their individual needs and sports requirements.

mental performance coaching 
has never been more important than it is today in athletics

WHY mental performance training?

Mental performance training for student-athletes is crucial because it helps them develop skills beyond just physical prowess. It teaches then how to manage stress, maintain focus, build resilience, and enhance their overall well-being, all of which are essential for success both on and off the field. Additionally, it can improve their academic performance and help them navigate the challenges of balancing sports with school and other responsibilities.

Ultimately, mental performance training empowers student-athletes to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives.

1 to 1 MENTAL



TO go from an

average mindset

to an elite mindset

mental performance is a skill set you can

train and develop just like any other

fundamental sports skill!

Just like you can train your body to develop the proper technique to throw a pass, dribble a basketball, throw a pitch, sink a putt, or kick a soccer ball, you can train your mind to become more present-focused, resilient, and confident.

But you have to train your mind with intention, consistency, structure and proven methods for success.


Some of the mental skills you need to be successful are:

  • An elite mindset.

  • Motivation and commitment.

  • Keeping the process over the outcome.

  • Self-control and discipline.

  • Confidence.

  • Focus and Self-awareness.

  • Routines and Habits of excellence.

Whether it's baseball, basketball, field hockey, football, golf, gymnastics, hockey, lacrosse, soccer, softball, track, or volleyball, these mental performance skills, all part of The 10 Pillars of Mental Performance Mastery, are what I can help student-athletes develop!

As they begin to learn how to control what they can control, they begin to master the mental game. . .and their confidence begins to grow! Their new mental performance skill set pushes them to the next level and they can finally start performing up to their true potential, consistently and reliably.

That athlete who used to perform well in practice…but lets the stress of gametime take over? They learn how to leverage a few very specific, proven strategies to “turn off” stress and anxiety before a competition so they can go out and reign.

The athlete who used to let one bad play ruin the rest of their game because they couldn't let it go? They learn how to quickly 'flush it,' refocus on what they can control, and quickly get back to being where their feet are.

THAT’S the kind of difference mental performance training can have!

The 10 Pillars of Mental Performance Mastery
A group of fundamental, trainable mental skills
that will help you get to that next level.

PILLAR #1 – Elite Mindset

Without the right mindset, you will continue to struggle with doubt, thinking you “just don’t have the mental toughness” needed to reach your full potential.  As you develop an elite mindset, you will start to see setbacks — things you used to think of as “failure” — as an opportunity for growth, and that makes a HUGE difference.  As you learn to grow and train your mindset, you will finally be able to blast through mental barriers that have held you back and realize your true potential.

PILLAR #2 – Motivation and Commitment

No one is able to reach big goals or max out their potential without high levels of motivation and commitment — this is something we know.  When adversity comes knocking — as it always does — the level of motivation and commitment one has will largely determine whether they push through and stick with it, or whether they give up.  By developing the SKILL of motivation and commitment, you can develop the grit needed to stick with it even when things get hard and you don’t feel

like it.

PILLAR #3 – Focus and Awareness

Distractions, negative self-talk, and letting mistakes get to you are a sure way to derail performance.  Athletes who succeed don’t do so because they somehow evade trials and challenges.  They succeed because they develop a SKILL SET that allows them to overcome the challenges and trials they face — and focus and awareness is a crucial component of helping you do that.  With practice, you CAN display a highly trained level of present moment focus and self-awareness so you can block out distractions, navigate adversity, and perform consistently at your best and shine your brightest when it means the most.

PILLAR #4 – Self-Control and Discipline

Elite performance requires hard work and dedication.  There’s no way around that.  Similarly, the pressures of competition are demanding — mentally, physically, and emotionally.  When you begin to intentionally and consistently train self-control and discipline, you will notice that you are better able to:

  • Refocus when facing the inevitable obstacles (have a bad game, battling nerves before a big game, negative comments/expectations of parents, etc.)

  • Calmly evaluate different challenging scenarios and make the most effective decisions. As the self-control and discipline “muscles” strengthen, expect to be able to make objective decisions under pressure, rather than being run by emotion.

  • Embrace the process — good and bad — as an opportunity for growth.

PILLAR #5 – Process Over Outcome

As an athlete, one of the biggest battles you face is this: finding the energy and initiative to do the day-to-day, mundane tasks necessary to reach your goals, even when you don’t feel like it.  By developing the process over outcome skill set, you can redirect focus to what is within YOUR inner locus of control — and drive the actions needed to achieve the desired outcome.  This allows you to develop an appreciation of focusing on what you can control, letting go of what you can’t, and aiming for daily improvement.

PILLAR #6- Meditation and Mental Imagery

Whether we’re aware of it — or not — the mental images we create and carry around (both positive and negative) have a direct impact on physical and mental performance.  When you begin to train the skill set of mental imagery and meditation, you will notice that you are better able to stay calm under pressure and focus on the present task, rather than getting caught up in the past or future.  You will also increase your confidence through and advanced form of preparation, that you competition doesn’t even know exists.

PILLAR #7 – Routines & Habits of Excellence

I can conservatively say that a good 50% of elite performance and goal achievement happens OUTSIDE of work out techniques, fundamentals, or any other physical element.  Consistently performing at a high level requires the ability to modify behavior and develop the structure needed to execute the plan.  High-performers know the power of routine — they know how to build and break habits, and they have a certain amount of structure guiding what they do each day.  Those who fly by the seat of their pants or let their feelings dictate what they will do and don’t do are destined to fall short of their potential.

PILLAR #8 – Time Management & Organization

The more automated and organized one’s day is, the more self-discipline, energy, and focus there is to direct toward the most important things.  There is a direct correlation between one’s time management and their ability to exhibit more willpower and show up for a competition or workout and be at their best.  Every decision made each day is like a “withdrawal” from your bank account.  And on the flip side, every decision put on automation, requiring minimal mental thought or energy is like a deposit.  Effective time management preserves energy and focus for the things that REALLY matter.

PILLAR #9 – Leadership

Elite performance is a team effort.  In order to help your team reach its full potential, you have to work on becoming a more effective leader.  Learning to become a better leader creates the opportunity to take your success — and the success of those around you — to greater heights than ever before.  Many teams will fall short because their leadership is coach fed, your team will succeed because it will be player led… and one of those key players is YOU.

PILLAR #10 – The Right Culture

The best of the best do things differently that the rest of the pack.  There is a championship culture within elite performing teams that dictates how they treat each other, how they respond to adversity, and their ability to consistently perform at a high level regardless of sport or level.  As an athlete, it’s your job to establish the right culture personally and work to establish this collectively with your team.

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